Emotional vs. Analytical Reviews

I read a couple of my past reviews, and thought wow, that's so boring.  Which leads me to ask a question which has definitely been asked tons of times before:

Is it better to go for a review filled with your thoughts on the book, focusing on how you felt when reading this or that, or is it better to have a purely analytical review, going over plot, characters, etc. methodically? Or is it better to have a mix of both? And it would be super helpful if you could relate it to my reviews, whether you'd like to see more of either side and the organization.

And, as a really off-on-the-other-side-of-world side note, later this wek I'll be hosting an interview with Laura Ruby, the author of Bad Apple, Good Girls, and Play Me. It'll be my first interview, so I'm extremely excited! So please keep your eyes and ears out for that! :)