-renewed determination- I kind of failed at this last year, but I WILL DO IT IN 2011. I love reading debut authors, but I'm fairly/really lax in updating a list. Debut books, I'm coming for you~
If you're interested in signing up, here's the information link, as hosted by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren. Participating too? Let me know! :)
I'm try to be a little more modest this year with a goal of 15 books, though there are so many ah-mazing authors debuting this year, hopefully I'll get to read more. Here's my
(links to my reviews)
1. Wither by Lauren DeStefano
2. Purple Daze by Sherry Shahan
3. Enclave by Ann Aguirre
The read books will have links to my reviews.
I've just sprung back into the blogosphere, so I'm not familiar with many debut books getting rave reviews. If you know any that are must, must, must reads, I'd LOVE to hear! :D
Alexia561 · 736 weeks ago
Happy reading!
Jenny N · 736 weeks ago
Sandy · 735 weeks ago
DIVERGENT & HOURGLASS OMG WANT. *drools...* I know I'm blanking on some titles but the ones I do remember (and also really really want) are Hereafter by Tara Hudson, Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez, The Girl of Fire & Thorns by Rae Carson aaaand Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey (which has an official synopsis! yay!). GAH, so much awesome this year....and for 2012. Seriously, how can I focus on school when so many shiny pretties are dangling themselves in front of me....?
sbenedict 1p · 735 weeks ago