(I'm not sure if this is helpful to you guys, so let me know if you'd like to see this again sometime.)

After announcing a stunning cover for her novel The Faerie Ring last week, Kiki Hamilton just posted up a couple pictures of the formatting - and it's just as beautiful as the cover.
Tera Lynn Child's cover for Sweet Venom had a huge release party earlier this week. It's gorgeous and darker then her usual covers, and you can visit Tera Lynn Child's blog read her own commentary and a little more about Grace Whitfield (the girl on the cover).

Carrie Vaughn, author of Voices of Dragons, just posted up the first chapter for her upcoming pirate-and-fencing-themed release, Split.
Suzanne Young is teaming up with Hannah Moskowitz for the Awesome Contest of Awesomeness. Enter for a chance to win Invicible Summer and A Need So Beautiful (I KNOW. ;ooooo), as well as sneak previews into their 2012 books - ends 2/28 (intl.).
Angie Smibert is running an extended contest with cool Momento Nora-related prizes: forgetting pills (Jelly Belly's), a copy of the book, a charm bracelet, and temporary tattoos. Click to check out the details and participate!
Clarity, Kim Harrington's debut YA novel coming March 1st, now has a named sequel - Perception. No, I haven't read Clarity yet but I've heard great things, and the titles are simple, sweet, and to-the-point. What's next in this series, 20-20 Vision? ;)
Kimberly Derting announced a new book due out November 15th, 2011 from McElderry (Simon & Schuster): The Pledge. Romantic fantasy in a dystopian world + Kimberly Derting = <3333

For all my fellow kindle owners out there, Tera Lynn Childs posted that she's in the process of making her second novel, Eye Candy, available as a $1.99 Amazon ebook and, eventually, Smashwords. What are you waiting for?
(Section for my randomness, lol, because I need one after scouring the internet. *eyes plop out*)
First, I literally found this song on Rachel Hawkin's blog a few minutes ago. She posted theme songs for all her upcoming books and Hex Hall, which I recommend (
And to wrap this up... It's the warmest day we've had here in months, near 70 degrees, so in honor of the coming spring: