I'll actually be back with some mini-reviews on Saturday. This Saturday, I promise. Expect at least one review of these TODAY releases: THE PREDICTEDS by Christine Seifert, WITCH SONG by Amber Argyle, and ASHES by Ilsa J. Bick -- happy book birthday! I'm also considering reviewing SIRENZ and CHAIN REACTION. If you really want a review of any of these, let me know. :)
As for what this post is really about: extra entries into my 2-year blogoversary giveaway through button posting! Any decent-sized giveaway or entry just feels weird without a button and after about a week, I couldn't resist the urge anymore.
OR my secret, persistent desire for a rainbow button. With unicorns.
So ta-dah! (I've provided the code for easy sidebar-ing, but if it doesn't work, please give me a heads up.)
I know, I know, not very pro-looking, but IT'S A UNICORN. IT'S RAINBOW. My deepest wish has been fulfilled (and I swear it's now out of my system, for good... maybe).
Grabbed it? Let me know with the form below so I can give you your FIVE EXTRA ENTRIES. 'Cause unicorns and rainbows are worth that much.