2-Year Blogoversary Giveaway! ♥

GUYZ. How many times have you already heard me say I love you? Answer: Way too many. Is it possible to die from love overdose? 'Cause, if so, I may just have to commit mass homicide.

It's 2 years. TWO YEARS. 2YRS. Despite my short attention span and sporadic posts, I'm still here. Why? Because of you. Quick shout-outs to some special peeps:

Aly -- If not for your shoves pushes loving nudges, I might not have returned from my super long break earlier this year. ♥

Sandy -- We are two halves of one alien. I swear.

Audrey -- You're AWESOMESAUCE. The not-from-concentrate kind.

Cara -- You are destined for great things. In NY, you hipster. B)

So, so many more. But if I compiled a list of everyone that inspires me and brightens my day, my list would rival Santa's. Really.

Sorry I'm spouting off on so many tangents, but it's still so unbelievable to me. That the blogosphere has witnessed my progression from a measly little 14-year old to the 16-almost-17-year old I am now. That's going to enter college and the gates of adulthood. The blogosphere's been like my... godmother for the past two years, and Books At Midnight is such a huge part of my life, I don't know what I'd do without it. Without you. Who knows what teen angst I would have gone through if I didn't have you 10, 100, 1000 people listening to me.

... I know. I'm also kind of creeping myself out with all the mushy feelings pouring onto this post right now. *gets teary* I'll save it for the Oscar's, sorry.

Anyways *dabs tears*, I know you didn't tune in to have a heart-to-heart. So shall we move onto the giveaway? :3

I'm offering up two prizes, one for each of my blogging years:

PRIZE ONE --  a preorder of one of the following books
Open Internationally

PRIZE TWO -- a box of 2011 books, one for each month
Open to U.S. addresses only, unless you are willing to pay for shipping

January – Trickster’s Girl by Hilari Bell (ARC)
February – Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
March –Sean Griswold’s Head by Lindsey Leavitt (ARC)
April – The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong
May – Instructions for a Broken Heart (ARC)
June – Legacy by Cayla Kluver
July – Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep
August – Lie by Caroline Bock (ARC)
September – Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan (ARC)
& various signed bookmarks and other swag

Ta-dah! Hopefully you see something you like there. On the form, I've offered the option to only be considered for one prize if you'd like. Reminder: You don't need to live in the United States, I just need to be able to ship to a US address. So if you have a US friend who's willing to ship it to you, that also works. :)

Annnnnd, since I love pretty numbers, if my follower number somehow shoots up to 1234, I'll offer another preorder of one of the above books. Again open internationally.

OKAY, I know I've blabbed enough, so fill out THIS FORM to enter.
Giveaway ends Friday, September 23rd at 11:59 EST.

To get five extra entries, post the button on your blog! Button code and extra entries available here.

edit// forgot my resolution: I will reply to and comment on the blogs of everyone that comments here. Because I've been so horrible in commenting recently, and it always amazes me when I find a blog that's following me that I didn't know about. So SHOW ME YOUR LOVELY VIRTUAL FACES. ♥