The Saturday Network (22)

WHAT IS THE SATURDAY NETWORK? The Saturday Network is meant to be a quick, easy way for you to network your blog and, more specifically, get comments! All you have to do is comment on the previous blog and, in return, you're guaranteed a comment by the next participant. We all love comments, right? :)

I also randomly feature a Saturday Networker every week, and it could be you! If you'll be featured, I'll email you and let you know.


Welcome to the new - and possibly improved? - The Saturday Network. I'm trying to incorporate Mr. Linky to see if it makes the process any easier and more appealing, but please let me know what you think in the comments! And thank you to everyone who has filled out a survey(s).

This week's featured blogger is Jessica (SN#11) from A Fanatic's Book Blog. She's a fellow YA book blogger, and you may recall her previous guest post about "The Power of the Review." She recently started a feature called Me Mondays where you submit questions and she answers. As incentive, she's giving away a copy of Wherever Nina Lies to a U.S. question-submitter!

To Participate:
1. Submit your blog to Mr. Linky in this format:

Blog Name - Child/MG/YA/Adult/ALL; R
(genre(s) you review; R = if you feel your blog is for mature audiences only, 18+)
Blog link

 ie. Books At Midnight - MG/YA

2. Head to the blog listed before yours and comment on his/her most recent post (or the previous one if it's rated R and you're under 18). Thoughtful comments are appreciated, but if you really can't think of anything to say, feel free to just drop a line and say "hi!"
3. That's it! I encourage you to visit more blogs and I hope you find a blog to enjoy! :)

And if you'd like to grab and post the button anywhere, you can find the code on the right side-bar, thanks!
