In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren and inspired by Pop Culture Junkie.
Sea by Heidi R. Kling -- I can now confirm that this book is AWESOME. Review coming soon. :)
The Tension of Opposites by Kristina McBride -- Again, finished. Possible review...?
Borrowed from Library:
The Eternal Kiss: 13 Tales of Blood and Desire by Trisha Telep
Ice by Sarah Beth DurstI've been really wanting to read both Sea and The Tension of Opposites, but now that I've bought them, I'm not quite sure what to buy next - so many amazing books coming out in June and not enough money, lol. If you've read something absolutely amazing that is a must read, please suggest it to me!
(And I keep on meaning to do a vlog, but I never seem to get enough books to do so... or, when I do, my webcam breaks on me. Eventually, I promise!)
I also wanted to share some trailers...
Majix by Douglass Rees
The book's premise sounds interesting, and HarlequinTeen makes some of the most gorgeous trailers (The Iron King's trailer was stunning too). I'm not above judging by trailer. ;)
Manifest: A Mystyx Novel by Artist Arthur
POC main character, and mysterious!
And that wraps it up. What did YOU get this week?
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