Out of Hiding + Contest Reminder!

I'm back out of hiding! After a much-needed vacation, I came back to computer and internet problems - joy. Not. But now it's all resolved and I can get back on track with all my reviews and memes, so thank you everyone for sticking with me. As for the Inside Out post, I actually scheduled it for about a week ago, but it never went up...? Sorry for it being late, but it's up now. Come next week, I'll be posting a review of Inside Out soon along with some reviews of books in the Evernight series by Claudia Gray. I also took some pictures at Disney World, though I think only one of me (I hate taking pictures), so I'll post those sometime, maybe this weekend, too. :)

I also just wanted to use the opportunity to remind you to enter my 500 followers contest, which ends tonight.

I hope everyone's enjoying some cheery spring weather, and I'll get caught up soon - I promise!