TFFOS: Carrie Harris -- Guest Post & Giveaway

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CARRIE HARRIS is debuting with her novel BAD TASTE IN BOYS very, very soon. Like July 15th soon. Why should you read it?
1) It has a delicious cover.
2) It's zombies with snark and what not.
3) It has a cute trailer.
4) Carrie made many, many sacrifices in the name of writing (such as the loss of a bodily part), which you can read about below. *gasp*

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I’ll admit it—sometimes when I read author biographies, I’ll think, “No way is that all true. I cannot believe that this guy worked as a lion tamer, a reality TV assistant in charge of spray tanning, and a vampiric sparkle applicator.” Am I the only person who approaches these things with skepticism? Well, I WAS one of those people, anyway. But then I looked at my own list of past jobs…

You couldn’t come up with a better combo for a zombie writer. Like, for a while, I sold knives. I wasn’t very good at it. One time, when I was demonstrating the cutting power of cutlery, I sliced the tip off my finger. And there I am, spurting all over the cutting board, going, “Oh, it’s not that bad! And it just goes to prove how sharp these knives really are! You could dismember somebody with this thing!” For some reason, those people didn’t buy anything. I don’t understand why.

So that job accounts for my expertise in detached body parts.

And then, I coordinated autopsies. I’ll tell you one thing about working in a job like that—you get over your death related heebie-jeebies really quick. Most people in pathology make REALLY inappropriate jokes all the time. It’s the only way to stay sane when you’re always surrounded by dead people. I’ll never forget the first time I heard my pathologist refer to the deceased as a “corpsesicle” because the cooler had been set too high. And then he did an impression of a corpsesicle. To this day, I’m still shocked.

And that job accounts for my expertise in dead things.

Then I managed a lab in which there were actually human brains in jars on the counters. NOT KIDDING. And new brains would arrive every day, and people would call me to verify receipt of specific brains, which meant that at least once a week, I would walk down the hallway, yelling, “HAS ANYONE SEEN MY BRAIN?” I think after a few weeks, it wasn’t funny anymore, but I had to keep up the tradition. So I’ve seen fresh brains and frozen brains and pickled brains and brain slices under microscopes and even presented on brains to a bunch of European guys who kept calling me Carrie Fisher by mistake. And I swear I wasn’t wearing Princess Leia buns. Not that day, anyway.

So that job accounts for my brain expertise.

my vision of Carrie in a previous life... // source unknown
 Really, when you look at that list of past jobs, I think there’s no way I could have been anything else. Zombie writing is in my blood, or at least my job history. Although if you hear about a job in vampiric sparkle application, please let me know. I’ve got my resume all ready.

Based on your job history, what kind of books should you be writing?



Someone's been a very bad zombie.

Kate Grable is horrified to find out that the football coach has given the team steroids. Worse yet, the steriods are having an unexpected effect, turning hot gridiron hunks into mindless flesh-eating zombies. No one is safe--not her cute crush Aaron, not her dorky brother, Jonah . . . not even Kate! She's got to find an antidote--before her entire high school ends up eating each other. So Kate, her best girlfriend, Rocky, and Aaron stage a frantic battle to save their town  . . . and stay hormonally human.


Carrie has offered one signed copy of BAD TASTE IN BOYS to one lucky winner! Comments aren't required but if you have an awesome-holy-god answer for the question Carrie posed in purple, there may be an extra entry heading your way... entertainment points, you know. ;)

To enter, fill out the form below. Open internationally!